How to Add a Pinterest Tab to Your Facebook Page

Point your Facebook fans in the direction of your Pinterest profile

What to Know

  • Go to and create an account. Select Static Tabs > Create a New Tab > Pinterest Tab.
  • Enter your Pinterest username > select Save Settings. On, select Pinterest tab.

This article explains how to add a Pinterest tab to the left column of your Facebook page so fans can click to see your latest Pinterest pins. We'll use a third-party app called Woobox to accomplish this.

How to Add a Pinterest Tab to Your Facebook Page With Woobox

Let your Facebook page fans know about your Pinterest profile so that they can follow you on Pinterest. The more Facebook fans that follow you on Pinterest, the more likely they'll see your pins and save them to their boards, which could result in more saves, followers, and clickthroughs.

  1. Navigate to in a web browser.
  2. Select Sign Up in the upper-right corner and create an account. sign up form

    Since you'll need to integrate Woobox with your Facebook account, create your account by selecting Sign up with Facebook. If you choose to create a regular Woobox account using your email address, you must integrate your Facebook account later in the process.

  3. Once signed in to your new Woobox account, select Static Tabs. Create a Compaign page
  4. Select Create a New Tab and select Pinterest Tab from the drop-down list. Create a New Tab option
  5. Enter your Pinterest username in the field next to http:/

    A screenshot of

    If you have an upgraded account, select Mobile Access to turn it on and allow fans to see your Pinterest tab on mobile. You can also select Show All Pin Boards to show your boards versus Show Pins from Pin Board to show the pins from a specific board.

  6. Select Save Settings.

  7. In a new browser tab or window, navigate to your Facebook page and select the Pinterest tab that appears in the left menu.

    Pinterest tab on

    A quicker way to see the Pinterest tab is to select View Tab on Facebook beneath the Pinterest title on Woobox.

  8. Your boards or pins from your Pinterest profile display on this tab.

    Pinterest boards displayed on

    Your fans can look at your boards on this Pinterest tab, similar to how they do on Pinterest. When they click a board, they stay on your Facebook page, and the tab displays the pins for that board.

    When they click a pin, a new browser tab opens, showing the pin on

    If you display all your boards on your Pinterest board as opposed to the pins of a specific board, the order of the boards may not display how you arranged them on your Pinterest profile. You can't drag them around on your Facebook page's Pinterest tab the way you can on your Pinterest profile to reorder them.

Manage Your Facebook Page's Pinterest Tab

If you want to change something about your Facebook page's Pinterest tab, sign in to your account at and go to the Static Tabs page to see your current tabs. Then, select Edit Tab to edit its details.

You can also select Manage > Stats at the top to see the views, visits, and likes that your Pinterest tab generates. If you decide to remove your Pinterest tab, select Remove App.

Woobox can also add tabs to your Facebook page for X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and YouTube. Follow the above instructions for each, except select X, Instagram, or YouTube, and fill in the appropriate details.

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